Air Conditioning Services - heating & cooling
We have the capabilities to install and maintain systems from the simple wall mounted air conditioner to large 100kw plus chillers.
We are experienced in the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of Low Pressure Hot Water (LPHW) Medium Pressure Hot Water (MPHW) systems, DX and cooling tower systems. We also provide clients with annual gas safety testing inclusive of issuing landlords gas safe certificates and inform clients of legislative changes which may affect them.
Air conditioning maintenance

A comfortable working environment is more than a nice-to-have. It’s essential to keeping offices and businesses working efficiently. Commercial air conditioning helps ensure air quality and eliminates the need to open windows. After all, many commercial environments and residential sites are located on busy urban streets where opening a window would invite both air and noise pollution into the building. Not to mention the needs of hospitals, restaurants, technical/computing environments and shops to preserve a clean and temperature controlled environment.
Our expertise covers the latest and most sophisticated environmental management systems. Whether you need maintenance service for your existing schedule or a complete new schedule, we can ensure you have a tailored solution that’s cost-effective, energy-efficient and meets all HVCA guidelines.
We offer:
- Air conditioning and maintenance services
- Refrigeration and comfort cooling
- Environmental control services
- Ventilation services